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Cyprus Tax Residency and Non-Dom Rules

A.G.H.K. Enterprises Limited

Relocation Highlights

Geostrategic location with market access to 500M EU consumers with close proximity to MENA region

Access to tech-savvy EU and international talent pool

Well-educated, highly skilled, multilingual workforce

Revised Immigration policy for non-EU tech professionals

Attractive corporate & income tax regime

Favorable IP regime as low as 2.5%

Regulatory framework aligned with the EU

Reduced Naturalization for non-EU nationals

Legal system aligned to UK Common Law

Enviable lifestyle in a safe clean and healthy environment

Tax Residency via staying >183 days route

Tax Residency via 60 days rule

We are delighted to share our Tax Residency Guide 2022/2023 which covers the current tax incentives available for foreign investors wishing to obtain tax residency in Cyprus.

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